There’s a reason your child is an angel at school but turns into little devil at home. It’s called ‘after-school restraint collapse.’
There’s a reason your child is an angel at school but turns into little devil at home. It’s called ‘after-school restraint collapse.’ After a long day at school or daycare, many children totally lose it when their parents pick them up or when they get home. I’ve seen it many times as a Class Teacher. […]
The Behaviour Blogs Part 1 ~ Do You Find Disciplining Your Children Difficult? Look No Further!
Do you find disciplining your children difficult? The funny thing about discipline is you only really notice it when it’s not there. As a former Deputy Head and teacher for 22 years I’ve seen loads of perfectly well behaved kids -who I’ve been teaching all day -run out into the playground to meet their parents […]
The ‘Mistaken Intention’ Behind your Child’s ‘Naughty’ Behaviour.
I talk a lot about the Key ‘C’s of Connection, Capability, Counting, Courage and Confidence with my clients. They are a key components in raising ‘iCan’ kids with the positive mindset to embrace life and have a go & to experience life in all its full glory. Every behaviour has a purpose & our job […]
The Behaviour Blogs Part 7 ~ ‘Tuff Luff’
Ms Tuff Luff believes that it’s her job as a parent to set boundaries. She sees her child’s job is to test those boundaries. She knows that kids will make mistakes because that’s normal and that’s what kids do ! She believes that her kids should be encouraged, nurtured and allowed to make mistakes without […]
The Behaviour Blogs ~ Part 6 ~ Kids Who Argue Back
In my book ‘Parenting Made Easy – How To Raise Happy Children’ in Chapter 9 I write about kids who argue back. One simple technique I teach is to change your language when kids challenge you with a … heavy sigh, eyebrows raised, pouting, moaning, groaning, hair tossing or “It’s not fair…” “They’re (sister/brother) not doing […]
The Behaviour Blogs Part 4 – The Controllivitz – ‘Do As I Say’ Style of Parenting
The 3 Styles of Managing Your Child’s Behaviour There are 3 broad styles of managing children’s behaviour but what has the most influence on your child is your confidence, style and personality. Your style affects the atmosphere, mood and tone in your home. Your style is a blueprint for what your children copy and learn […]
The Behaviour Blogs Series ~ Part 3 The Problem is NOT Your Child……
I think it helps to shift your perspective away from damaging your child’s self esteem to looking at the problem. Here’s a simple way to do that – just say inside your head when you are getting stressed or wound up…. The problem is the problem – not my child. Detach the behaviour from your […]
The Behaviour Blogs Part 2 – Updating Your Toolbox
Successful parents have a wide range of options open to them. Over the years (through often trial and error) they have collected skills, strategies and techniques that they have stored away for possible use. A metaphor I use a lot when I’m giving my Lunch & Learn One Hour Talks is to imagine that you are […]
Got an attention seeking child ? Here’s some tips and they may NOT be what you think !
In my book called “Parenting Made Easy” I write about what to do with an attention seeking child. This is just a taster of what I cover in Chapter 9 which is all about getting your little darlings to behave easily, also you can download my comprehensive MP3 which bursting with my tips, techniques and […]
Shouting at naughty children makes their behaviour WORSE.
I was recently interviewed on BBC WM a local radio station in Birmingham discussing why shouting at naughty children makes their behaviour WORSE. It was based on this article As a former Deputy Head there are loads of other ways to discipline your kids but let’s face it we all lose our tempers from […]
I loved you enough …. a gentle reminder why we give our kids rules!
I’ve been writing about family rules & why they’re important for the Danonino website where I’ve written copiously about raising happy, confident, autonomous children. Here is a wonderful poem I came upon many years ago. I hope you like it. It’s by Erma Bombeck, an author whom I consider to be the original mum blogger although she was writing […]
Helping Children Behave Better in the Classroom with Sue Atkins
An interview with my great pal across the pond – Dr. Lynne Kenney on how kindness and collaboration can improve children’s behaviour in the classroom. Lynne Kenney, Psy.D., is a practicing pediatric psychologist, author and international educator in Scottsdale, AZ. With a keen interest in changing the trajectory of children’s learning through cognitive-exercise, Dr. Kenney […]
Do I have to count to three?
Do I have to count to three? What you are really saying is —> I don’t expect you to obey me all the time, and do as you’re told – just when I get angry enough to count. Oh, and feel free to come when I get to three instead of when I ask. Does […]
The Sue Atkins Parenting Expert Podcast – Discipline Made Easy Part 1
Podcast Powered By Podbean Need a bit of practical advice on raising happy, well behaved kids? Listen to Part 1 of my Parenting Expert Podcast and if you need a few more ideas download my “Secrets To Well Behaved Kids” App now – it’s bursting with all my top tips, fresh ideas and practical solutions to everyday, real life problems. […]
Why it’s NOT a good idea to be your child’s friend.
So many of the Mums I work with on my Drop In & Chat sessions want to be their child’s friend and don’t want to be the “baddie” telling them off or disciplining them. But that’s just not want kids need. Children thrive on boundaries, limits and structure. They feel safe, they feel secure and […]