The Importance Of ‘Me’ Time for Mums
The concept of “me time” can be laughable and guilt-inducing for many busy mums. But it’s a healthy, necessary part of modern parenting. It’s not selfish – it’s self-care and vital to help you cope with living with kids! I coach loads of mums and dads around balancing their lives as most of us put […]
Manic Mums and Dazed Dads – Are you stuck in the spin cycle of life? Exhausted, wrung out and dizzy?
Are you stuck in the spin cycle of life………….. exhausted, wrung out and dizzy? Do you find yourself falling into bed worn out, frustrated and complaining “Where did the time GO?” Then welcome to the Club! You are not alone as I coach lots of Mums and Dads from toddler to teens crying […]
Divide your To Do List into 3 Categories: Essential, Important and Trivial.
I work with many stressed out parents struggling to balance their work/life balance and I created my Weighing up your work – life balance audio course to give parents practical solutions, simple ideas and a fresh way to manage their time. I have written, talked and blogged a great deal about Manic Mums and Dazed […]
Did you know that you have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Albert Einstein?
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” ~H. Jackson Brown author of “Life’s Little Instruction Book” When I was a teacher I remember using a great big […]
“Me” time could be the best hours you give not only yourself but also your children!
”Me” time could be the best hours you give not only yourself but also your children! ~ Sue Atkins Being a mum is a wonderfully fulfilling, rewarding and joyful experience. But it can also be an exhausting, frustrating and overwhelming business too. As a mum you are often the lynchpin of your whole […]
Money, mindset and beliefs you give your kids.
I am fascinated by success and why some people are successful entrepreneurs and others struggle all their lives. I have been working with a lot of people recently throughout the last year who are struggling to come to terms with the financial down turn throughout the world. I work with small business people, woman entrepreneurs, […]
Are you juggling & slowly sinking under your Work/Life Balance? Here’s some quick tips to help.
The hurdles and preconceptions that career minded women must overcome to penetrate the boardroom and reach the higher echelons of the corporate hierarchy are more than well documented. Combine this with the difficulties that many of us face whilst trying to raise a happy well balanced family and it’s easy to see that life as […]
The 2-Minute Action Plan for Busy Parents.
Following on from my Mummy Diaries/ Disney Video on ‘Morning Routines’ released last week here’s something you can try. The 2-Minute Action Plan for Busy Parents Here’s my quick ‘Pause to Ponder’ questions for this week around Morning Routines: Do you have a morning routine for your kids? Is it actually working for you? […]
Real Mums often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids!
Happy Mother’s Day! Real Mothers don’t eat quiche; They don’t have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils Are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers often have sticky floors, Filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried play dough Doesn’t come out of carpets. Real Mothers don’t want to […]
Hi I’m Sue Atkins I teach families how to be happier.
Hi I’m Sue Atkins I teach families how to be happier. I was at a social event at Farleigh Court Golf Club the other day and someone asked me, ‘So, Sue, what do you do?’ I always find this a tricky question to answer as I do so many things but I just spontaneously […]
Is it ever OK to miss your child’s birthday?
As controversial and outspoken as always, Katie Hopkins’ latest outburst has hit a nerve with mothers as she claims work takes priority over her three children’s birthdays. Joining Katie for today’s big debate, ‘Is it OK to miss your child’s birthday?’, is outraged writer and mother-of-four Shona Sibary, who believes birthdays are a sacred […]
Have you ever considered Split – Shift Parenting ?
I’ve just been interviewed for a magazine about Split- Shift parenting and I wonder if it’s something you might consider for your family or are currently trying out? For a dual income home, the arrival of a child leads to one unavoidable question: “Who’s going to look after the kids?” Lots of parents of course […]
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
Each week I ask you a Parent Coaching Question to ponder over the course of the whole week. Lots of parents print it off and pop it up in their kitchen or bathroom so they can see it often to let the ideas surface naturally as your unconscious gets to work on the question. Other people sit down […]
Can you really have it all ?
Can you really have it all? I’ve studied with the best from Tony Robbins, Paul McKenna to Jack Canfield and having it all is totally achievable according to all the self development gurus and totally possible …… but is it? It also seems to be the Holy Grail of modern living these days to want it all and to want […]
What’s your Mosquito Moment ?
I’m delighted that my article What’s Your Mosquito Moment has been published on The Life Change Network. What gives you a pain can also really inspire you! Imagine a really lovely, sunny day where you are having a really refreshing, chilled glass of white wine, sitting around a beautiful, blue swimming pool with your family […]