The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question

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Each week I ask you a Parent Coaching Question to ponder over the course of the whole week.

Lots of parents print it off and pop it up in their kitchen or bathroom so they can see it often to let the ideas surface naturally as your unconscious gets to work on the question.

Other people sit down with a cup of coffee to ponder the question and then they write down what springs to mind so that they don’t forget what they discover.

Whatever your style this simple strategy is a powerful way to move your family relationships forward positively.

So why not RSS my blog so my simple Parent Coaching Question can land easily every week into your inbox.

Today’s questions are:

What techniques/exercises do you know of that you could use to raise your parenting self-esteem & confidence?

How could you find out some new ones?

What would that do for your family and children this week?



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