My Tug of War Technique

  I’ve been recently working with a group of parents going through the turbulent times of a divorce and I asked them to remember participating in or watching a tug-of-war competition. You like me can probably remember both sides sweating, tugging, pulling, wrestling and expending huge amounts of energy but not really getting very far […]

Are YOU suffering from divorce stress syndrome?

As regular readers of my blog know I am currently going through a divorce after 21 years and I have been quite surprised how harrowing I have found it despite all my positive psychology and NLP Training. Here’s an interesting article in The Daily Mail  and a new idea I had walking my dogs today ……. […]

4 Simple Reasons Not to Take Divorce Advice From Your Friends

As regular readers of my blog will know I am recently separated from my husband after 21 years and I know first hand how challenging, stressful and overwhelming this transitional period of  life really is. I have been running my “6 Week “Separation – Putting Your Children First” Coaching Programme”  for many years now using […]

When you have great pain in your life – you need a greater purpose.

Whenever I find myself going through a really challenging time I go into survival mode. After separating from my husband after 21 years I found myself withdrawing into my shell, hibernating –  and focusing on just surviving the challenging times. I closed down. For those of you who have experienced this type of loss, you […]

Little Children – Big Changes – DIVORCE

Divorce can be a big challenge for both children and parents. Though times may be difficult, children can emerge feeling loved and supported. You can all grow through these family changes and discover just how strong you really are. You are not alone. Family, friends, neighbours, and others are there to offer support. Here are […]

Why friends become invisible while you’re in the process of divorcing.

I noticed most of my dear friends were right there while I was going through the process of divorcing but not all ! Someone who I have known since I was 15 hasn’t been in touch to see how I was doing – which surprised me but life is all about managing the hands you are dealt […]

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce – real help – good advice.

I have written many articles around handling divorce and break – up  as I run a 6 week personal 1-2-1 coaching programme called  “Separation – Putting Your Children First” because I always say that divorce is a process not an event, and having gone through this myself I know first hand how unsettling, terrifying and […]

Do Lawyers Really Want More Friendly Divorces?

As many of you will know if you are regular readers I am in the process of divorcing and I run my 6 Week Separation Handling Divorce, Separation and Break- Up Positively and Confidently Coaching Programme and  in the week following Norwegian statistics showing that couples who share the housework are more likely to get divorced, and […]

Finally children win the legal right to see both parents after divorce.

I’m pleased to see that children are for the first time to be given the legal right to have a proper relationship with both their parents after a divorce. Ministers intend to rewrite the law in an attempt to ensure that fathers get improved access to their children after a marriage breaks down. Currently, family courts […]

The Importance Of A Child-Focused Separation

Today my guest blogger is Stephen Anderson, a friend  who is a family mediator, collaborative lawyer and non-adversarial solicitor. I asked Stephen to contribute an article because I work with a lot of parents going through divorce and separation in my 6 Week “Separation – Putting Your Children First” Coaching Programme and I recommend that they consider […]

Why it’s important not to put children in the middle of your divorce.

Here’s some of my media coverage this week. As divorce becomes more and more frequent we ask just how much of an effect it can have on our children. Some research last week claimed that whilst children of divorced parents are more likely to become binge drinkers as adults, it’s not the actual divorce, but […]