The Behaviour Blogs Part 8 ~ Influence Your Kids Rather Than Control Them

As a former Deputy Head and class teacher for over 25 years I discovered that it was my job to inspire kids to behave for the right reasons. Giving stickers, giving my weekly trophy and giving lots of positive praise did over time influence the children I taught to change their behaviour and learn self […]

The Behaviour Blogs Part 7 ~ ‘Tuff Luff’

Ms Tuff Luff believes that it’s her job as a parent to set boundaries. She sees her child’s job is to test those boundaries. She knows that kids will make mistakes because that’s normal and that’s what kids do ! She believes that her kids should be encouraged, nurtured and allowed to make mistakes without […]

The Behaviour Blogs ~ Part 6 ~ Kids Who Argue Back

In my book ‘Parenting Made Easy – How To Raise Happy Children’ in Chapter 9 I write about kids who argue back. One simple technique I teach is to change your language when kids challenge you with a … heavy sigh, eyebrows raised, pouting, moaning, groaning, hair tossing or “It’s not fair…” “They’re (sister/brother) not doing […]

The Behaviour Blogs ~ Part 5 ‘Being A Best Friend’

Now if your parenting style is like ‘Being A Best Friend’ you believe that children like it if you act as if you are their best friend. 1. You believe that being nice and friendly makes your children like you. 2. You believe that your children are equal to you so you negotiate with them, you […]

The Behaviour Blogs Series ~ Part 3 The Problem is NOT Your Child……

I think it helps to shift your perspective away from damaging your child’s self esteem to looking at the problem. Here’s a simple way to do that – just say inside your head when you are getting stressed or wound up…. The problem is the problem – not my child. Detach the behaviour from your […]

The Behaviour Blogs Part 2 – Updating Your Toolbox

Successful parents have a wide range of options open to them.  Over the years (through often trial and error) they have collected skills, strategies and techniques that they have stored away for possible use.  A metaphor I use a lot when I’m giving my Lunch & Learn One Hour Talks  is to imagine that you are […]