Now if your parenting style is like ‘Being A Best Friend’ you believe that children like it if you act as if you are their best friend.
1. You believe that being nice and friendly makes your children like you.
2. You believe that your children are equal to you so you negotiate with them, you don’t tell them or direct them.
3. Your strategy is asking, negotiating, pleading followed usually by frustration, feeling cross, angry and un – heard.
4. You often hear yourself saying the words ” How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet, put your toys away or tidy your room?”
This leads you to fall into bed exhausted, frustrated and tired out trying to figure out why having kids is such hard work.
You also have begun to doubt your parenting ability and your confidence is taking a bit of a dip and dare I say it ….you’re not really enjoying your kids as it’s all a bit of a battle……?
Well help is at at hand…..
Download my ‘Secret to having well behaved kids’ MP3 to give you lots of my tools, tips and techniques all at your fingertips….. It will take away your overwhelm, your stress, your guilt and your exhaustion.
This MP3 will put you firmly back in the driving seat of your family discipline, help you feel like a better parent and help you to relax, feel more positive an confident and will enable you to have more fun with your kids quickly and easily.
The ideas are simple – the effect long lasting.
Kids don’t need you to be their ‘Best Friend’ they need you to teach, guide, nurture and be in authority as they feel safe, secure and protected if you have some firm, fair and consistent boundaries.
Your children NEED a strong role model!
Your child will become confused if one minute you are their best friend and the next minute you are telling them to not raise their voice in front of you, go to bed or do their homework.
Be their parent not their friend.
The Behaviour Blogs Part 1 ~ Do you find disciplining your children difficult?
The Behaviour Blogs Part 2 ~ Updating Your Toolkit
The Behaviour Blogs Part 3 ~ The problem is not your child……
The Behaviour Blogs Part 4 ~Three Styles of Managing Behaviour
The Behaviour Blogs ~ Part 5 Mr Best Friend
The Behaviour Blogs ~ Part 6 Kids Who Argue Back
The Behaviour Blogs Part 7 ~ Ms Tuff Luff
The Behaviour Blogs Part 8 ~ Influence your kids rather than control them
The Behaviour Blogs ~ Part 9 ~ If you don’t set boundaries for your kids who will?