Little Harper Beckham and that DUMMY ! The Importance of Comforters.

My advice is on the front page of The Daily Mail today and I’ve been interviewed on 10 BBC radio stations around the UK and am appearing on the ITV This Morning sofa tomorrow morning talking about little Harper Beckham having a dummy at the age of 4. Instead of focusing on the fantastically happy […]

How hard is it for parents to keep their children under control in public?

                Today I’m live on BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester talking about a stranger’s heart-warming note and £5 gift for young mother, 23, on a train for teaching her son good manners. It’s so easy to bring up other people’s children and I work with parents who feel […]

When are your kids old enough to travel on their own?

When is it safe to let your kids travel on their own? As we near the time for starting Secondary School in September I’m discussing the Mum of 5 who let’s her children travel alone on BBC WM radio tonight at 10.30pm on The Graham Torrington Show Here’s the story. ‘Why I still trust […]

Would you feel happy about your 10 year old learning about legal highs at school?

I’ve been interviewed on LBC Radio about the  idea that more should be done in schools to protect children from drugs by giving children from 10 years old more school lessons about illegal drugs and dangerous new ‘legal highs’,  according to a government adviser. Professor Simon Gibbons, a member of the Advisory Council on the […]

ADHD and why working mums need to look in the mirror – do you agree?

I read with interest Sarah Vine’s parenting article in The Daily Mail  today about  ADHD. But is she right? “Fascinating stuff in yesterday’s Mail from paediatric neurologist Dr Richard Saul, who argues in a new book that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is wildly over-diagnosed and that thousands of children are being identified as victims and […]

Boys as young as 10 are at risk of eating disorders!

Up to one in ten teenage girls has an eating  disorder, medical experts have warned and increasing numbers of boys are also at  risk, some of them as young as ten, a major study has found. Experts said that with the young under  increasing pressure to ‘be perfect and look perfect’, the problem is now […]

Kids won’t sleep, can’t sleep? Try this.

Sometimes the reason for your child finding it difficult to sleep is that their room is too colourful, too stimulating and just too plain overwhelming.   One tip is to strip back your child’s brightly coloured bedroom and reduce the stimulating toys  in an effort to help them sleep. What do you think ? A good idea? Let me […]

Scandal of Britain’s lazy parents.

As my regular readers will know I used to be a  Deputy Head teacher and  I also taught Reception  Class children starting school. So I was surprised to read about the rising number of children still in  nappies when they start primary school. Staff say they are increasingly forced to  disrupt classes to change pupils or […]

Most toddlers know the F*** word before they know the alphabet !

    I’m discussing swearing on BBC Radio Wales as most children learn how to swear before they  even know the alphabet, according to a new book that examines bad language and  its origins out today. English speakers also use a swear word on  average once in every 140 words, roughly the same proportion as the […]

So are you a “Parensioner?”

I had a wonderful day yesterday as I was invited to discuss the fascinating new survey carried out by LV Insurance on 31 BBC Radio Stations around the UK  that discovered that 1 million people are waiting until they are in their 40s 50s and 60s before starting a family. They are joining a number of […]

Are YOU suffering from divorce stress syndrome?

As regular readers of my blog know I am currently going through a divorce after 21 years and I have been quite surprised how harrowing I have found it despite all my positive psychology and NLP Training. Here’s an interesting article in The Daily Mail  and a new idea I had walking my dogs today ……. […]

Children who get a good night’s sleep ‘have better memories’

I read with great interest today an article in The Daily Mail around some new research that suggests that children who get a good night’s sleep have a  boosted memory! The findings could explain why children who  do not sleep well do not do as well in school. Children were more effectively able to convert‘implicit’ […]