I’ve been interviewed on LBC Radio about the idea that more should be done in schools to protect children from drugs by giving children from 10 years old more school lessons about illegal drugs and dangerous new ‘legal highs’, according to a government adviser.
Professor Simon Gibbons, a member of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, said a broader drugs education was needed in primary and middle schools.
He said the committee should be ‘pushing for’ more information for ten, 11 and 12-year-olds.
I agree the more we can “Talk and Teach” our children about the dangers of drugs the better.
I think if school and home keep on with the same message children do learn to protect themselves and make better choices.
I run “Confidence Classes for Kids” because I believe a confident child is more able to say “NO” when pushed, cajoled or exposed to pressure from their peers.
I used every opportunity to “talk and teach” my own children – using newspaper headlines around Leah Betts and Amy Winehouse to pass on my strong values that drugs are dangerous so any initiative that helps both parents and children has my support.
Building strong bridges of communication between home, school and child is a vital ingredient in keeping our children safe and drug free.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2602949/Primary-school-pupils-taught-legal-highs-says-PMs-drugs-adviser.html#ixzz2yei2SrYv Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook