Teenage Parents ….. it’s NOT all doom and gloom !

I was invited to give a talk at One Support – a teenage parent support scheme in Camden by the wonderful Beverley Smith. Lithos Road provides accommodation based support for vulnerable teenage parents. They support young teenage parents aged between 16-19 who are pregnant or who are the parent of a child under 4 years […]

“Mood Hoovers” and what to do to about them !

“Every moment that you use to criticise yourself, or others, is a second of your life wasted, it’s a moment of your life thrown away. Decide today to make a conscious effort to keep your mind above the toxic conversations, petty mindedness and Mood Hoovers! Surround yourself with your own positive thoughts and hang out […]

The Power of a Positive “NO!”

Research suggests saying ‘no’ is not the most effective way to discipline a child. Purvaja Sawant talks to experts to find a happy solution for parents and children. Disciplining a  child is every parent’s worst nightmare. After all, it’s one of the most difficult jobs in the world, one that doesn’t come with an instruction manual. […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Parenting Affirmation

Running on empty We are often very hard on ourselves as parents. We often ” run on  empty” putting everyone else before ourselves. But my little red mini would soon run out of petrol if I didn’t fill it up from time to time! So as we all go into this lovely half term break […]

Babies natural bonds with mothers eroded by pushy parents.

  I have recently been interviewed about babies being “hothoused” by their pushy parents for a feature for Practical Parenting and Pregnancy magazine on a study that says mums are taking their babies to too many classes eroding the bond between mother and child. It’s an interesting article ! I think it’s all about finding […]


For less than a haircut and highlights I will make you a positive, relaxed and confident parent in 5 days 🙂 Family success, happiness and parenting confidence are not accidents that happen to some parents and not to others. They are created by specific ways of thinking and acting in the world. Learn how to […]

The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story To Ponder !

    The Magik of Metaphor…… I love metaphors as they are a great way to pass on our values, our beliefs and our ethos and philosophies for Life to our kids through telling simple stories. I use them to get the parents I coach pondering and reflecting and even musing! That’s why every Wednesday […]

I think it’s time you patted yourself on the back !

I’ve just finished filming 6 hours of footage for a potential new series for Channel 4 and one thing that they seemed to like, was my idea of writing down what you get right as a parent and what goes WELL each day. We are all very good at beating ourselves up over what we […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Parenting Affirmation

Listening is the oldest and perhaps the most powerful tool of healing.  It is often through the quality of our listening and not the wisdom of our words that we are able to affect the most profound changes in the people around us.  When we listen we offer sanctuary for the homeless parts within the […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question

What do you most want to change? What would be different in your life  if this problem was gone? What will happen if you don’t sort it out once and for all? What one step could you take this week to start this process off? Download your copy of Sue’s Ebook How to give your kids […]