Have You Pressed Your Family ‘Reset Button’ Due to Living Through The Pandemic?
So, families have experienced something unique. Being locked down together all day, all week & all month has created new models of family dynamics and new patterns of interaction that will become the new normal. Some families will have found the experience to be exhausting & challenging & some families will have experienced fear, poverty […]
This Thanksgiving, many of our hearts are filled not only with gratitude but also with grief.
? This has been a devastating and challenging year for humanity. This Thanksgiving, many of our hearts are filled not only with gratitude but also with grief. Grief for the multitude of devastating losses caused by COVID-19 and for not being able to be with friends and family as we make the difficult choice to […]
Under-5 Learning: Your Toughest Qs Answered!
I recently did a Webinar for ‘Which School Advisor‘ with my friend and colleague Laura Henry-Allain creator of the Cbeebies hit series for children JoJo and Gran Gran. Laura has been an early years trainer and consultant for many years. Which School Advisor said, ‘We hear you loud and clear! Online, at home learning […]
TAKING ON CORONAVIRUS – With Laura Henry Allain – creator of Cbeebies new smash hit ‘Jo Jo & Gran Gran’ & Sue Atkins a weekly take on the week’s events
VIEW THE EPISODES HERE : [ec_link text=”20 March 2020” background_color=”#b33771″ color=”#ffffff”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8W5TiKvOk&feature=youtu.be[/ec_link] [ec_link text=”28 March 2020” background_color=”#b33771″ color=”#f2f2f2″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiQeqCG_-q4&t=29s[/ec_link] [ec_link text=”03 April 2020” background_color=”#b33771″ color=”#fcfcfc”]https://youtu.be/hkBiN7ukloU[/ec_link] [ec_link text=”11 April 2020” background_color=”#b33771″ color=”#f4f4f4″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc9LCoLVhvo&t=25s[/ec_link] [ec_link text=”18 April 2020” background_color=”#b33771″ color=”#f9f9f9″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O2yjQNCPr0&t=5s[/ec_link] [ec_link text=”24 April 2020” background_color=”#b33771″ color=”#fcfcfc”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvRDzjb7pfk[/ec_link] […]
The Great Realisation
? A bed time story of how it started, and why hindsight’s 2020. ? ? #stayhome #withme
Is Yelling at Your Children Verbal Abuse?
I was asked to contribute to the new Jeremy Vine TV Show on Channel 5 about whether yelling or shouting at children is verbal abuse. We all lose the plot at times & lose our temper & end up shouting at our kids, but what is the difference between the odd shout & consistent verbal […]
It’s not ALL about Joe Wicks. Preparing Children for the Return To Their New Secondary School During Lock Down is an Opportunity not a Insurmountable Challenge
The world of social media is awash with activities to home school kids from getting them physical with Joe Wicks, to Maths with Carol Vorderman, to Music with Myleen Klass to Science with Maddie Moate. But as we enter a new calmer phase of Lock Down, I think it’s helpful to […]
Are you juggling & slowly sinking under your Work/Life Balance? Here’s some quick tips to help.
The hurdles and preconceptions that career minded women must overcome to penetrate the boardroom and reach the higher echelons of the corporate hierarchy are more than well documented. Combine this with the difficulties that many of us face whilst trying to raise a happy well balanced family and it’s easy to see that life as […]
Thriving Not Just Surviving The Coronavirus
In these challenging & unprecedented times. Connect with your friends & loved ones, obviously not in your usual ways, but we have the technology to stay in touch. So pick up the phone & chat, Skype or FaceTime to stay connected & caring. Let people know that you are thinking of them. Our greatest […]
How to Talk to Your Kids About the Coronavirus
I was speaking on Channel 5 News about ways of handling the Coronavirus with your children. The crisis of COVID-19 that has engulfed adult lives for the past few weeks has frightened and confused children too. As they hear you and teachers repeatedly stressing the need to maintain personal hygiene and hear or read of […]
Top 20 Working from Home Tips
There are going to be a lot of people newly working from home starting this week, due to the Coronavirus and it will be a difficult transition for some – my husband included! I’ve worked from home for many years so here are my top 20 tips for working effectively & avoiding distractions ? Top […]