How Do You Talk to Children about Cancer?

In this episode: Marcus Rashford & Tom Kerridge have launched their budget cooking tutorials on Instagram – let’s get cooking! YouTube’s Kids App has a Rabbit Hole Problem Mattel launches Toy Recycling Initiative Sue Atkins in Conversation with Henrietta Mackenzie: Author of ‘The Secret Lives of Two Googly-Eyed Cats’ in support of Great Ormond Street […]

Fussy Eaters & How To Keep Your Sanity !

If you suddenly have a fussy eater on your hands – you’re not alone! Lots of parents go through the same thing with their children as faddy eating is often a phase that young children go through to explore their independence, test you out and to get some of your attention (no matter how bad […]

¿Cómo hago que mis niños prueben nuevos alimentos?

Es muy fácil que la hora de la comida se transforme en un campo de batalla. ¿Qué puedes hacer si tus hijos te piden pizzas y papitas pero tú buscas que coman sano y equilibrado? Aquí te damos algunos consejos. Read more here Cuando vayas de compras, anima a tus hijos a que elijan una nueva verdura, […]

Logra que tus peques se coman sus vegetales

¿Cansados de decirles a sus hijos que se coman sus verduras? ¿Dejó de funcionar el truco de “esconder el brócoli”? Te damos consejos súper prácticos para que ellos conozcan y amen las verduras. Read more here Haz que cocinar sea un juego en el que les enseñas a tus hijos cómo preparar recetas saludables. Involúcralos tanto como […]

Fussy Eaters Series – An Introduction

How to introduce new foods to fussy eaters. If you have a fussy eater who doesn’t like trying new food, here are some tips that might help. Let’s start with Fussy Eating Facts – here are some facts that can help you understand why children sometimes fuss about their food.

Fussy Eaters Tip 2 – Make food attractive

Many children are fussy eaters. Fussy eating is normal, but it can be hard to handle. Most of the time fussy eating isn’t about food – it’s often about children wanting to be independent. Here are some ideas that might help if you have fussy eaters in the family.