If you suddenly have a fussy eater on your hands – you’re not alone!
I work with lots of parents going through the same thing with their children as fussy/ faddy eating is often a phase that young children go through to explore their independence and to test you out.
But with a simple change in your attitude you can ‘talk and teach’ your kids to experience the fun there is to be had around exploring new foods and you can regain your confidence around meal times again.
So make up your mind to change this pattern straight away and to start to look at the bigger picture to what you want to teach your toddler about food long term and for a healthy life.
Ask yourself:
What do I want my child to feel around food when they are a teenager?
How can I empower my toddler and celebrate their striving for independence around food?
How can I relax and teach them to have a lifetime of good health and a healthy relationship with food by only offering two healthy choices from now on and relaxing if they don’t eat much at each meal?
How can I eliminating coaxing, bribing, and disguising food as a way to “trick” my little one into healthy habits as this only reinforces an unhealthy relationship with food?
How can I take the battle out of meal times and make food more fun?
Start to notice how much food your child normally needs to remain healthy as this is the key to ending the battles around meal time. Think of their food intake over a week rather than a day as it is probably better than you think.
By getting your children involved in shoping for food, preparing food and engaging all your children’s senses, life will soon get easier and more fun again, as I believe in the underlying principle that children can learn to eat well, just like they can learn to ride a bike or learn to swim and the message starts with you !
Children like things to be familiar, as it helps them relax and feel safe so whether it’s their bedtime routine or their cheese sandwich, many children won’t try new foods until they’ve been exposed to them several times. So just bear that in mind when you are offering some new foods to your toddler or child as it helps YOU relax.
Toddlers pick up on your vibes all the time so if you suddenly become anxious around food time and start to tense up around the table – guess what… your child does too and frustrating though it is, staying calm, centred, positive and relaxed is often all it takes to go with the flow of this phase and survive it!
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