The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story – The Starfish.
Here is one of my very favourite stories from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. The Starfish Story One day a woman was walking along the beach when she noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story – If you’re good to life, life will be good to you.
Here’s today’s story from my never ending notebook and ever lasting coloured pencil ! If you’re good to life, life will be good to you. The Master looked into the face of the young monk,and behind the eyes he could read that the boy’s life would not stretch a month more. Illness […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story – Grandad
Here’s today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil about the power of words to change how you feel about yourself or your life. Not many people know that I am a trained NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer and that I have trained with Dr.Richard Bandler, the co-founder of NLP ( […]
The Sue Atkins Story To Ponder – Forgiving the Unforgivable
I always enjoy receiving my regular email from Karen Salmansohn, a best selling author with over 1 million books sold – who is known for creating a new breed of books – “self help for people who would never be caught dead reading self help.” I enjoy the way she merges empowering psychology/philosophy tips with […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story
Here’s another weekly story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. If you have a story please send it into me so I can pass it on 🙂 A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson. The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story To Ponder While Parenting !
Here is today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil ! The cocoon, the butterfly and leaving well alone……….coping strategies A woman was in the habit of taking her dog for a walk twice a day in her local park. She noticed a cocoon hanging from the branch of a bush. She […]