We’re not exactly born knowing how to be good parents.

Today I’m delighted to introduce you to Molly Skyar and Dr. Rutherford. I have really enjoyed reading their really informative, yet easy to read book Shaping a Secure Start: Parenting Your Child During the First 18 Months and found it really enlightening. Here is Molly’s story. “When my son was fifteen months old, my husband and […]

Research backs Emma’s FACS battle

I am very proud to be an Ambassador for the Charity FACS. Here is an article on my friend Emma Murphy and her campaign for justice for the families affected by FACS Fetal Anti Convulsant Syndrome. One of my fellow special needs mums, whom I met over Twitter, Emma Murphy, is spearheading a campaign highlighting […]

Have you ever bought baby “stuff” that you never used?

According to a new survey by Amazon Family a quarter of new parents spend up to £350 on baby purchases that they don’t use ! So I was interviewed by a number of parenting magazines to  BBC Three Counties Radio about my top tips for helping parents make better choices! Here are some of my […]

What’s up Mum ?

What’s up Mum is an educational resource set up in conjunction with the HSE to provide advise and information to all pregnant women and new families. They have some really lovely, helpful and informative videos so go and explore http://www.mediaconcepts.ie/whatsupmum/

When does a man become a dad?

Today I’m delighted to have as my guest blogger Daddy Natal  a wonderful resource for expectant dads and fathers to be. Here’s a little bit about Dean Beaumont the founder of Daddy Natal. I’m Dean Beaumont the first professional male Antenatal Educator in the UK and founder of DaddyNatal. I have two children Oren 3 […]

It’s official – music helps pregnancy!

  Mum’s- to- be who listen to relaxing music and sounds of nature are less likely to feel stressed about their pregnancy a study has shown recently. Scientists split pregnant women into two groups with one group being asked to listen to lullabies, classical music and “New Age” type music every day for two weeks […]