Pocket Money – Ages & Stages
Money makes the world go around!’ as Lisa Minnelli happily sang in the hit musical “Cabaret” and it certainly seems to be true on more than one occasion, but debt is on the increase and there seems to be more and more demands on your money than ever before so learning about money […]
Pocket Money Gender Gap: Boys Get 12% More – so what are kids learning about money from YOU?
I’m talking about the new survey about Pocket Money on Sky News today. Children are getting an average of £6.55 a week in pocket money but the gap is widening between the earnings of boys and girls. The Halifax survey of nearly 1,800 children aged eight to 15 and their parents found that they now […]
The Peter Pan Generation in danger of reaching 40 and still relying on “pocket money” from their parents.
Kids approaching their 30s are still dependent on their parents for financial support – and even the ironing, a report warns out today! The apparent ease with which young people once seemed to land well-paid jobs and get on the housing ladder meant that those who are now in their 20s grew up with a […]
Talking To Lembik Opik about chores, GoHenry & antisocial behaviour. Episode 33 of The Sue Atkins Parenting Show.
The Sue Atkins Parenting Show is where we discuss every possible aspect of parenting, giving you advice and support on topics which affect your daily life. Each free, weekly episode is bursting with practical tips, techniques and ideas. Sign up for the podcast Experts and Extras here for exclusive, permanent access to all Sue’s full […]
Your child’s money habits are formed by the age of 7 !
What was it the Jesuits always said, “Give me a child until the age of 7 and I will show you the man?” Well here’s some research along the same lines as the government-backed Money Advice Service has warned parents “not to underestimate the effect of their own bad money habits” on their kids which […]
Pocket Money – How To Talk,Teach & Encourage Your Child to Save !
There’s never been a more important time to teach our kids about the art of saving, and so MoneySupermarket is launching a challenge with a difference – a kids’ saving challenge aimed at encouraging the next generation of savvy savers and I’m delighted to say I’ve been asked to be a Judge for the best […]
Want a simple way to teach your kids the value of money?
My Mum used to say “Aaah they know the price of everything but the value of nothing!” and I think she had a point ! I’m always fascinated by all areas of raising happy, confident children so I read with interest this article about Seb’s story from Goldstar Savings Bank which is a new website […]
Pocket money – how much is OK ?
I was talking on BBC Radio Coventry today about pocket money, the Christmas pressure on parents to buy the latest Christmas toy and the power of marketing on kids. Here are top tips and pointers if you are thinking about giving your children pocket money https://sueatkinsparentingcoach.com/the-pulling-power-of-pocket-money-2/
The Pulling Power Of Pocket Money.
‘Money makes the world go around!’ as Lisa Minnelli happily sang in the hit musical “Cabaret” and it certainly seems to be true on more than one occasion, but debt is on the increase and there seems to be more and more demands on your money than ever before so learning about money is an […]