10 Predictions for Personalised Learning for 2013
Are you finding it difficult to adapt to all the new technology and the way your kids learn? Do you feel a bit lost and unsure about how your kids should be using their ipad and mobile devices? Here is an interesting article from Personalized Learning as the main change that will happen in teaching and […]
Rhythms, Rituals & Routines – The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
I am reading the very wonderful book “Celebrating Families” – which is just bursting with simple,practical ways to enhance family life by my friend Helen Sanderson and Maye Taylor at the moment and I can’t put it down! I keep having to stop and highlight their wonderfully simple yet inspiring ideas and I was in […]
Why YOUR child’s school should have a One Page Profile
I had a super day filming about the wonderful One Page Profiles that are being introduced in to schools through the UK by Helen Sanderson Associates and myself. I was delighted to have been invited to do the voice over and filming for the launch of this ground breaking video that was launched in The House […]