“GUILT – The “BIG G” and gremlin of parenting !
I’m writing out the marketing materials for some talks I’ll be giving in London to businesses called “Lunch and Learn” bite sized talks for 45 minutes on a wide range of topics as parenting is such a vast subject isn’t it, and one of the many that I cover is, “GUILT – The “BIG […]
How Homestart Can Help & Not Just at Christmas.
I am very proud to be one of the Ambassadors for Home Start because it is a remarkable charity and last night I had the privilege of being invited to attend the Home-Start Charity Carol Service in St. Bride’s Church in Fleet Street – the most delightful place of worship. It has recently been refurbished and […]
Tips for Shopping With Toddlers at Christmas.
I think Christmas shopping and shopping generally with toddlers, is given a bad press! With a little bit of planning and some common sense there are many practical ways to take the stress, frustration and tension out of buying your father- in – law his annual socks and festive tie! Remember that small children […]
Is yours a MAD HOUSE at Christmas ? Here are my tips to calm things down.
I was really delighted to see my tips appear on Cheryl Pasquier’s Mad House Family Review site this weekend. “A friend of mine is having trouble sorting out the arrangements over Christmas Dinner with her ex. I thought that maybe I should encourage her to refocus her priorities, by reminding her of something important. […]
7 Great Additional Needs Toys For Christmas
This year I’ve made a lovely new friend in Georgina Durrant ( listen to our fabulous interview on my parenting podcast )who writes a wonderful blog for parents of children with Special Needs called The SEN Resources Blog It’s BURSTING with advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books and resources for children with SEN. Do head over […]
The World Wants Your Kids To Buy ‘Stuff.’ Here’s How To Help Them Be Less Materialistic!
It’s fast approaching Christmas – the season of high hint dropping or even downright whining as the adverts crank up & work their marketing magic on your already stretched purses strings. On a serious note we are still in the tight grip of a cost of living crisis & it’s incredibly stressful & worrying around […]
Is this your first Christmas apart? Struggling with how to deal with it? Ideas to help.
Dear Sue I separated from my partner at the beginning of this year. We were together for 10 years and have two children aged 8 and 6. My real problem is the fact that my partner and I were originally family friends and our families are really close. We normally get together over Christmas […]
Christmas Is Often A Catalyst For Change – How To Prepare for a Successful Separation
Christmas is a catalyst. I often find that I get many clients coming to see me after Christmas about how to separate after spending more time together at Christmas. Christmas acts as a catalyst for change and the New Year offers a new beginning for many. My article Handling Divorce Positively taken from my “Raising […]
How Failing Forward Will Make You A Great Parent
One of my favourite parenting stories is about a famous research scientist who made several important medical breakthroughs. He was asked by a journalist why he was so successful and he told the story of a very early lesson he learnt from his Mum when he dropped a carton of milk in the kitchen. Instead […]
It’s the Holidays: Things to do OFF Screen!
I’ve been asked by BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester this week to comment on some ideas to make the half term more fun and enjoyable and it got me pondering about the language we use to describe holiday time. If you think it will be looooong, full of whining about “being bored” and stressful […]
The Lost Art Of Eating Together
I’ve just been interviewed by BBC Radio Sheffield about a new report suggesting that children who sit down and eat and TALK WITH their Mums and Dads have better social skills, do better at school and have better self esteem. IS THAT A SURPRISE ? Yet I heard many parents on the radio show […]
5 EASY Ways to Encourage Healthy Internet Use at Home – Balance not BAN.
One of the most common questions I get asked regularly on my Sue Atkins Parenting Show podcast is: ‘ How do I get them off screens?’ Here are my simple 5 top tips. No screens at least 1 hour before bedtime. Have device-free dinners. Browse the internet together. Plan for fun non-screen activities. Encourage […]
Keeping The Glow – After Having Kids. The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story
In keeping with this week’s theme on romance and relationships, here’s today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting pencil. The pioneering biologist Bruce Lipton found that the cells in your body are always in one or two modes: protection or growth. Basically, in fear–mode or in love-mode. Whenever we feel threatened or […]
Keeping the Glow With Your Partner – Take a Snap Shot.
No matter where you are in your relationship, it’s important and healthy to regularly check in on it from time to time to keep it fresh, keep it growing and keep it alive. By asking some simple but thought provoking questions like: Where are you? Where are they? Where is the relationship as a whole? […]
A New Chance To Live Life To The Full
“IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER” I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the “good” living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted […]