New Year Resolutions – is being a better parent on your list?

  As the clock ticked down the old year and we all awaited the arrival of a brand new one, I begun to wonder what all the people around me truly wished for deep down in that very quiet place where dreams, hopes and wishes really live. You know the place where we don’t always […]

Chasing your dreams in 2023

As we approach another year one of the toughest things about chasing our dreams is managing the disciplines of persistent action and hopeful patience. Here is my mentor Tony Robbins practical and inspiring take on keeping the dream alive in all areas of your life. What’s the story you tell yourself that holds you back? […]

A More Forgiving Way For Goal Setting In A Pandemic

I usually power up the music, get into a positive state, dig out my Tony Robbins Goal Setting Template & plan my new year. But I don’t this old approach will serve me this year and whilst I don’t think goal -setting is  cancelled in 2020— I think it needs to look & feel different.  […]

Setting off for Edinburgh without a Sat Nav, compass or flight plan

How many parents do you know that have actually pondered the bigger picture to their parenting? Most parents I meet and work with have got a bit stuck in the “socks and pants” of life going round in circles stuck in the undone homework and untidy bedroom scenarios and don’t look up to ponder the […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question

  Success in parenting, which for me means bringing up happy, confident, well rounded adults who are independent, resilient and fulfilled, is really no different from being successful in any other aspect of life. It’s about mindset, commitment, and confidence and all about taking small steps of action every day, every week and every month […]

Finish 2011 Strong

    I’ve been writing and pondering my own goals for 2012 as well as working with lots of people just recently naturally thinking about the New Year and what it will hold.  This got me thinking about giving, and contributing, to family and to Life in general, so grab a cup of coffee and a […]