If you’re slim you’ll be successful and win X Factor in one fell swoop – or marry a footballer

Following on from my being on Sky News discussing airbrushing and the power of media images The danger of airbrushing. Start talking to your kids before the beauty industry does ! Here are my comments about eating disorders, bullying and fashion in http://www.publicsector.net/lifestyle/article.asp?CategoryId=32&ArticleId=11754 “Is fashion more ‘killer meals’ than ‘killer heels’, Joanna Lowy asks, following […]

Questions To Start Conversations ~ The Sue Atkins Family Challenge!

I am a real advocate of families sitting down and eating together as it creates a bond, a connection and makes life fun. Kids can chat about their day, their worries or just spend time with you, and you can share your life with them in a easy and natural way simply through sitting down […]

Fat Britain: Tackling the obesity epidemic – what’s the solution?

I am speaking on LBC Radio tomorrow at 9.10 am on obesity in children in the UK. We are discussing this article and report in The Daily Mail Obesity rates in Britain are soaring with nearly a quarter of adults now classed as clinically obese. Despite Government warnings that we are turning into a nation […]