The Top 10 Myths About ADHD

  Both girls and boys get ADHD, and people with ADHD can be very bright. There are lots of myths out there about this disorder, and science is finding the facts to dispel them. Read more  here on Every Day Health   Go and explore this EXCELLENT website called The Coffee Klatch which is dedicated to […]

Are toddler tantrums pushing you to the edge? Learning from parents of children with autism could help steer you through those meltdown moments.

Here is an interesting article from Are toddler tantrums pushing you to the edge? Learning from parents of children with autism could help steer you through those meltdown moments What is it about supermarkets? Is your weekly shop more meltdown than melt-in-the-mouth? Surviving tantrums is a parenting rite of passage. But for parents of […]

Autistic children could be diagnosed from the age of ONE thanks to new brain scan

Researchers studying autistic children have discovered their brain activity appears to be out of sync compared to their peers at a very early stage. They found that language areas in the right and left sides of the brain are less synchronised in autistic toddlers. The weaker the synchronisation, the more severe the communication difficulties exhibited […]