Banish The Bickering – Successful Strategies For Bringing Up Siblings


Banish The Bickering – Successful Strategies For Bringing Up Siblings Who Get Along

As a parent, there’s nothing more frustrating than children that bicker and fight. From practical things like who sits in the front of the car or who chooses the TV show, to completely ridiculous complaints such as “He’s breathing my air” or “She’s looking out of my window!”. Siblings can fight about anything and everything.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are lots of things you can do to help banish the bickering and teach your children how to respect each other and get along.

How It Works

Whether your kids fight physically or verbally, these audio CD/Mp3s are packed full of tried and tested techniques that will help. Throughout the programme Sue will share real, practical ways to easily and quickly put an end to sibling rivalry and bring harmony and peace into your family. Creating kind, considerate kids who play nicely together and reducing your tension, stress and despair!

Why Listen To Sue?

As The Parenting Expert, seen regularly on ITV’s This Morning, Sue Atkins has helped thousands of parents to solve their sibling problems and create calm, content homes. Her positive, guilt-free approach means you’ll feel confident making changes and that your kids will be happy, confident and calm too.

Ready to banish bickering for good? Click the button to buy it now…


Direct from Sue to You – the answers to your parenting prayers!  In these MP3s, Sue addresses a specific parenting issue and gives you tried and tested solutions. A helping hand – not a pointed finger, supportive, informative, and practical – just what you need to give you clarity & confidence.

 Please note: These are audio products. Upon purchase, you will receive an immediate email with the product name highlighted as a link. Just click on the link to download your MP3.


Sibling rivalry has had a bad press since Joseph and his amazing technicoloured dream coat. But there are lots of things you can do to banish the bickering and to build the bridges of respect, unity and love between your children. These audio MP3s look at the practical ways to easily and quickly bring harmony and peace into your family reducing tension, stress and despair!


Track 1. Introduction

Track 2. The Magic Wand Exercise

Track 3. Joseph and THAT coat!

Track 4. Building the “WE” mentality of a team

Track 5. Fighting – From Baddies to Buddies !

Track 6. The “One Point” Technique

Track 7. “Getting Out of the Wood” exercise

Track 8. Knowing The Buttons To Push

Track 9. The “I” StrategyTtrack 10. Shout, shout let it all out

Track 11. “The Traffic Lights, The Pause Button and The Scales” Techniques

Track 12. Let’s put it all together

Track 13. The Rocking Chair Visualisation

Additional information

Audio Type

Audio CD, MP3 Download


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