Awesome Girls: 30 Resources to Teach Kids Financial Literacy

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While it’s an essential life skill, a study by the Girl Scouts found that only 12% of tween and teen girls feel very confident in making financial decisions.

Financial literacy is an essential skill for every child to learn! Money is an integral part of modern life, and whether your child is a preschooler counting coins, an primary school child saving for a new toy, a tween learning about investing, or a teen budgeting for school expenses or their first full-time job, there are plenty of opportunities to teach kids how to earn, save, spend, donate, and invest. And yet a recent study from the Girl Scouts found that only 12% of girls aged 8 to 17 feel very confident making financial decisions, proof that we need to do more to improve kids’ financial literacy.

Here are some of  a Mighty Girls favourite resources to help kids learn money management.

Check them out here 



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