I’ve been feeling lethargic.
It’s an usual feeling as I’m usually so highly driven.
I’m on a mission to help families raise happy, confident, resilient children and to help parents create happy childhoods for their children but I’ve been finding it harder to feel motivated.
So, I thought I’d look at why and if I was alone so I googled.
‘Is there such a thing as Lock Down Lethargy?’
Well, according to a new survey there really is.
Almost 90% of UK workers are suffering from some level of lethargy while working from home, according to a new study.
Are you feeling tired despite getting adequate sleep?
Do you find virtual working draining?
Are you struggling with feelings of ‘I can’t be arsed?’
Are you fed up with Zoom calls?
Are you having bizarre dreams?
Do the cloudy & wet days make it worse?
Are you dreading the Winter months?
Are you suffering from decision fatigue – as your usual regular habits have been disturbed? Do you miss your commute, getting dressed up for work or to socialise?
Are you fed up having to wipe down everything & having to remember to wear a mask?
Are you fed up living with long term uncertainty ?
Are you not sure that your work actually matters?
Have you lost some of your sense of identity as your work has changed & it’s harder to feel appreciated & valued for what you do?
Is a lack of feedback a key part of your feelings of burnout or lethargy?
Are you finding it harder to bounce back from disappointments?
Which decisions are the most exhausting ?
Are unpleasant experiences like redundancy, a lost relationship or a cancelled holiday getting you down?
Have you lost purpose?
Have you lost the sense that life has meaning & that you matter & can make a difference ?
How would you describe your energy levels at the moment?
Has the pandemic triggered some unfamiliar emotions?