10 Fire Safety Rules To ‘Talk & Teach’ Your Children.
After the harrowing & distressing fire at Grenfell Tower in London this week I thought it might be helpful to ‘Talk & Teach’ your children about how to prevent a fire, and what to do if they suddenly find themselves surrounded by one. This will reassure your children as they will know what to do so they […]
How to Tackle TVs in Bedrooms and How to Talk about Terrorism – again. Episode 23 of The Sue Atkins Parenting Show.
The Sue Atkins Parenting Show is where we discuss every possible aspect of parenting, giving you advice and support on topics which affect your daily life. Each free, weekly episode is bursting with practical tips, techniques and ideas. Also, you can sign up to The Sue Atkins Parenting Club for exclusive access to a friendly community of […]