My 9 year old has started having nightmares. What can I do?

  Credit: PeopleImages/Getty Images My 9 year old has started having nightmares. What can I do? Russ Robertson from Croydon  Nightmares: Practical Steps to Stop Scary Dreams Children of all ages get scared by nightmares. Nightmares are most common in children aged 6 to 10. While pre-schoolers have an active imagination, and worry about monsters under […]

Discover These Top Secrets To Getting Your Child To Sleep – Updated

  Sleep, rest, renewal – the dream of every parent at some time in their parenting adventure! Here are some of the tips I pass on to the parents I coach. Blackout curtains or blinds. When my kids were little I bought some black out curtains and they worked like a magic blindfold. Will and […]

Children who get a good night’s sleep ‘have better memories’

I read with great interest today an article in The Daily Mail around some new research that suggests that children who get a good night’s sleep have a  boosted memory! The findings could explain why children who  do not sleep well do not do as well in school. Children were more effectively able to convert‘implicit’ […]