Be Your Own Cheerleader ?
Let’s be honest life can be really hard at the best of times, but it’s even tougher at the moment. So wouldn’t it be great if you could hire a professional cheerleader just to follow you around all day and cheer you on? Someone that kept telling you you’re doing a great job even when […]
The need for noise and our struggle with silence.
I go into many schools running my Confidence Classes for Kids Workshop and I am always struck by how noisy the classrooms can become. I do an exercise called The Garden of Dreams where I take the children on a visualisation into a beautiful garden with sunflowers and waterfalls and I help them relax, concentrate […]
The ultimate gift a parent can give their children is CONFIDENCE.
Nurturing Your Child’s Self Esteem In recent years the words “self confidence” and “self esteem” and “self belief” seem to have become very fashionable and “buzz” words and as parents we are forever being told about how we must nurture and not harm our child’s self esteem but how do we go about it? Self-esteem […]
My ‘Can Do Kid Journal for Super Heroes’ has been endorsed by Dr. Amanda Gummer of Fundamentally Children
I’m delighted to tell you that my The Can-Do Kids’ Journal for Superheroes: Discover Your Confidence Superpower! has had fab reviews from Fundamentally Children – by Dr. Amanda Gummer a research psychologist specialising in child development. What is it The ‘Can Do Kid Journal for Superheroes’ is all about helping children feel more confident, […]
I watched a Mum praise her son for sneezing the other day ‘You’re so clever’ she said ? Are we in danger of over praising our kids?
Are we in danger of over praising our kids? We all think that self esteem is important as it boosts a child’s resilience. But has the balance swung too far as we praise far too easily & liberally for ‘normal’ things kids do? I watched a Mum praise her son for sneezing the other day […]
Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
This is one of my favourite books for children. It’s called “Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids” It is just the most super, simple, powerful and amazing little book that kids just embrace quickly and easily and I guarantee it will transform your child’s attitude and self esteem […]
Tips For Clingy Toddlers, Separation Anxiety & Nervous Kids.
How many of us have left a inconsolable child in childcare or school and gone on our way with a sick heart, wondering if we’ve done the right thing? I’ve been answering toddler questions for a regular feature that I write for an In -house magazine in the […]
The Sue Atkins ‘Can Do Kids’ Campaign with the EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY BUTTON.
Are you looking for a positive way to discipline your toddler that’s encouraging & positive and that enhances your child’s self esteem – not damages it – like the naughty step? Then look no further than my Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Button! Let me tell you how […]
Inside Will Smith’s Unorthodox Parenting Philosophies: How He Raised Three Kids Under The Spotlight in Hollywood.
Raising happy, confident kids isn’t always easy, is it? But add the pressures of the Hollywood spotlight into the mix & it must make it even harder. So, I read with interest about how the very charismatic Will Smith has handled it. What do you make of his philosophy ? Will Smith isn’t just a regular dad…He’s […]
EXCLUSIVE offer for your school as a “Thank you” for buying my Can Do Kids Journal!
Due to my fantastic partnership with KidZania London, I am delighted to extend an exclusive offer for your school as a “Thank you” for buying the Can Do Kids Journal! KidZania London are offering your school a FREE CLASS VISIT between the 1st and 16th December 2016! Simply call 0330 131 3331 and quote “SUE […]
Giving your kids the ultimate gift of a ‘Can Do Kid’ attitude to Life.
A must, must watch video from the very wonderfully inspiring Oprah. There’s never a hero to rescue you – there’s only you if you want to make it happen ! Get excited about your life, get focused, be clear and take very small steps for perhaps weeks, months or years to make your dream […]
Get Your Kids Actually Chatting On The Phone !
Today’s Pause To Ponder ! Get your kids using the phone! Self-confidence comes out of a sense of competence and children develop confidence not because you tell them they’re great, but because of their own achievements, big and small. Of course it’s lovely to hear encouraging words from you but words of praise and […]
This is simply extraordinary – every parent of girls AND boys MUST watch this.
“Mood Hoovers” and what to do to about them !
“Every moment that you use to criticise yourself, or others, is a second of your life wasted, it’s a moment of your life thrown away. Decide today to make a conscious effort to keep your mind above the toxic conversations, petty mindedness and Mood Hoovers! Surround yourself with your own positive thoughts and hang out […]
Watch these adorable little babies singing “We Will Rock You”
I go into lots of schools running my Beat Bullying – Confidence Classes for Kids as well as my regular Saturday Morning 2 hour Workshops ( next one 7th September ) around confidence building and I am known for always using music to uplift, inspire and anchor fun and laughter in my workshops by […]