Digital Wellness Tips for Parents & Children

‘The New Digital Divide’ is digital wellness — which means responsible and healthy relationships with technology — all part of overall children & student wellbeing which is an essential 21st-century skill. It is not uncommon that children spend 6 to 8 hours on digital screens every day. Some children are taught knowledge and skills necessary […]

30 Better Questions to Ask Your Child Instead of ‘How Was Your Day?

I remember asking my 8 year old son Will as he ran out of school ‘How was your day?’ to which he promptly replied ‘fine’ and that was that. Sometimes he opened up in the bath or at bedtime but I decided to ask him more interesting questions instead to get the conversation going – […]

HELP – It’s the Horrible Homework Hour. Tips to Stop Homework Battles.

They’re home, they’re fed, the telly’s off and now it’s the Homework Horror Hour! A recent survey carried out by the Government’s “Get On” Campaign reveals that 7 in 10 parents are wary of helping their children with their homework and are finding it increasingly difficult to understand and lend a hand in their children’s […]

How Do You Cope With School Refusal?

Many children at some time in their school career find going to school a challenge and may feel anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. School phobia (known to may professionals who work with children as school refusal), is a complex and extreme form of anxiety about going to school (but strangely may not be attached to the […]

Hi I’m Sue Atkins I teach families how to be happier.

  Hi I’m Sue Atkins I teach families how to be happier. I was at a social event at Farleigh Court Golf Club the other day and someone asked me, ‘So, Sue, what do you do?’ I always find this a tricky question to answer as I do so many things but I just spontaneously […]

Why Parenting Is More Important Than Schools

As a former Deputy Head and Class Teacher for over 20 years I read with interest this article by Annie Murphy Paul in TIME IDEAS about the importance of parenting ! “Given all the roiling debates about how America’s children should be taught, it  may come as a surprise to learn that students spend less  […]

How Do YOU Handle The Playground Mafia?

As regular readers know I used to be a Deputy Head and class teacher for 22 years and as a Mum too who used to stand outside the school gate waiting for my kids I used to overhear lots of gossip, mis – information and down right unkind comments sometimes. Here’s an article about what we […]

The Importance Of Bridging The Gap Between School And Home

I used to be a Deputy Head Teacher and Class Teacher for 22 years teaching in areas  ranging from London’s inner city deprived areas to the private sector, so educating children is also a passion of mine, as it offers children unlimited potential to explore  what they are good at, what they love and who […]