The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea
Let a series of happy thoughts run through your mind. They will show on your face. ~ Norman Vincent Peale 1898-1993, Author of The Power of Positive Thinking
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea

To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny-bone. ~ Reba McEntire
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~ Mark Twain
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea
Here’s a favourite quote of mine by Brian Dyson the Chairman of Coca Cola from 1959-1994 “Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You name them – work, family, health, friends, and spirit – and you’re keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand […]
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea
If you have never been hated by your child you have never been a parent. ~ Bette Davis It’s tough being a parent – but we are there to be our children’s guiding hand. We need to step up and be their parent NOT their friend so this little quote makes me smile……. Keep […]
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. ~Author Unknown
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea

If you look for what’s right – in others, in relationships, in yourself, and in life – you’ll always find it. ~ Mike Dooley