“Me” time could be the best hours you give not only yourself but also your children!
”Me” time could be the best hours you give not only yourself but also your children! ~ Sue Atkins Being a mum is a wonderfully fulfilling, rewarding and joyful experience. But it can also be an exhausting, frustrating and overwhelming business too. As a mum you are often the lynchpin of your whole […]
The Hidden Side of Life – Depression
I was really moved to watch a sporting hero of mine Freddie Flintoff talking about Depression – we need more people to open up and discuss this very real problem so people feel supported, nurtured and understood. Watch it here on BBC i player http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b019gbpk/Freddie_Flintoff_Hidden_Side_of_Sport/ Flintoff: Depression is crippling… I cried in front of my […]
Topic of The Month – overwhelm, stress and depression
I often work with people who feel at times helpless to change their current circumstances, or feel trapped, or that there is no-one who can help. Depression often follows anger and helplessness where I find the parent is literally beating themselves up. Many times people that suffer from depression are extremely intelligent, very sensitive and […]