Fussy Eaters & How To Keep Your Sanity !
If you suddenly have a fussy eater on your hands – you’re not alone! Lots of parents go through the same thing with their children as faddy eating is often a phase that young children go through to explore their independence, test you out and to get some of your attention (no matter how bad […]
Watch Yuk ! Adorable kids tasting foods for the first time.
Here’s a lovely video that Saatchi and Saatchi created watching children tasting new foods like onion, anchovy and marmite for the TEDxSydney conference.
Snacking – is it really such a bad idea?
Today I’m delighted to have as my guest blogger Karen Le Billon who was born in Montreal and is based in Vancouver. Karen is an author and teacher. Married to a Frenchman, she has two daughters, and her family divides its time between Vancouver and France. French Kids Eat Everything (HarperCollins) is Karen’s newest book, […]
HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Having Your Family Round The Table – The Simple Act Of Eating Together
At this special family time of Thanksgiving here’s an article I wrote about the importance of families creating memories through simply sitting down regularly and eating together. Have a wonderful time 🙂 I am a real advocate of families sitting down and eating together as it creates a bond, a connection and makes life fun. […]