10 Facts Parents Should Know About Dyslexia. A Checklist.
? Dyslexia is not a disadvantage. Having a good understanding of the type of difficulties caused by dyslexia will help you support, encourage & motivate your dyslexic child without damaging their self-esteem. Did you know that more than 50% of NASA employees are Dyslexic? NASA is able to look past the negative opinions about […]
Special Needs or Additional Needs is like an umbrella sheltering and hiding a huge collection of diagnoses underneath.
I’ve been sent this question to my Sue Atkins Parenting Show podcast – where we all discuss every possible aspect of parenting, giving you advice and support on topics which affect your daily life. It’s bursting with practical tips, techniques and ideas. Come and join us and listen wherever to listen to your favourite podcasts. […]
6 Parenting Tips When Your Child is Disruptive in Class.
Every parent dreads receiving a call from their child’s school in the middle of the day. The call is not usually to congratulate you about something good or to extend an invitation to an upcoming event to celebrate your child’s achievements – those calls usually wait until after school or you receive them through an […]
Why dyslexia is not a disadvantage.
‘Made By Dyslexia’ is a global charity led by successful (and famous) dyslexics. Their purpose is to help the world properly understand and support dyslexia. Changing Perceptions Dyslexic minds process information differently. Their divergent, lateral thinking has created some of the world’s greatest inventions, brands and art. Yet dyslexia is still perceived as a disadvantage. […]
Wun wunders why foenick spelling methods arr stil tort in skools !
I’m speaking on Talk Radio today about the importance of spelling & whether it matters now we all have spell- checkers on our computers. As a former Deputy Head Teacher, spelling is important because it aids in reading. It helps cement the connection that is shared between sounds and letters. Learning high frequency sight […]
More than 50% of NASA employees are Dyslexic.
Did you know that Dyslexics have amazing special awareness skills in the 3D world? For this reason, more than 50% of NASA employees are Dyslexic. NASA is able to look past the negative opinions about this condition and use Dyslexia to its advantage. Read this wonderfully inspiring blog from Goalcast http://blog.goalcast.life/2016/06/06/overcoming-dyslexia-how-i-found-strength-through-dyslexia/
10 things your dyslexic child wants you to know.
This made me cry.
Today I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Robert Melillo – Autism, ADHD & Dyslexia Expert.
Today I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Robert Melillo One of the most respected specialists in childhood neurological disorders in America, Dr. Robert Melillo has been helping children overcome learning disabilities for over 20 years. His areas of expertise include: autism spectrum disorders, PDD/NOS, ADD/ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, Tourette’s, bipolar disorder, and other attention, […]
It’s Dyslexia Awareness Month
I’m delighted to have been published in Magic Town as their guest blogger, as October is dyslexia awareness month, so I have some guidance for parents whose children may be struggling with reading because of dyslexia . Have you ever studied a foreign language and been confused by the words in the textbook? Now, imagine what […]
Successful and Famous People With Dyslexia – put this poster on your fridge !
Should dyslexia training be compulsory for all new teachers ?
The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) is launching a hard hitting video campaign to make Dyslexia training mandatory for new teachers. It highlights problems caused by poor teacher awareness and lack of training. According to recent research provided by the BDA, Dyslexia affects approximately 10% of all school pupils and a significantly higher proportion of excluded […]
Parenting Special Needs Magazine FREE Subscription
Parenting Special Needs Magazine FREE Subscription. http://parentingspecialneeds.org/currentissue Click on cover to register this excellent magazine helps parents navigate the uncharted waters of raising a special needs child. It provides practical tips, shares life’s lessons, tackles the challenges and celebrates the joys of one of life’s greatest gifts. Covering all ages and stages of guiding children/Individuals […]
19 Special Needs News Stories and Blog Posts from the past week
I enjoy exploring the world of Twitter and I discovered Among Friends which is a one stop portal into the world of people with special needs and the people who love them. You’ll hear from parents, siblings, volunteers, supporters, and even those with special needs themselves. Every Sunday, they select the week’s big special needs stories […]
Here is a list of famous and highly creative people in the past or present that had or still have ADD or Dyslexia
Here is a list of famous and highly creative people in the past or present that had or still have ADD or Dyslexia. What you need to ask yourself as a parent is: “If it wasn’t for people such as these the world wouldn’t be the same without their dreams, hopes and creativity. How can […]