New Year ~ New You ? My tips to being the parent you want to be in 2013

As the clock ticked down the old year and we all awaited the arrival of a brand new one, I begun to wonder what all the people around me truly wished for deep down in that very quiet place where dreams, hopes and wishes really live. You know the place where we donโ€™t always reveal […]

Raise your children not your voice !

Parenting is the most important, rewarding, frustrating, and challenging job anyone can do and yet is the one few of us ever get any preparation for.ย  We invest in everything except learning the skills in raising happy, confident and well-balanced children. The speed, pressure and stress of modern living means we never seem to have […]


For less than a haircut and highlights I will make you a positive, relaxed and confident parent in 5 days ๐Ÿ™‚ Family success, happiness and parenting confidence are not accidents that happen to some parents and not to others. They are created by specific ways of thinking and acting in the world. Learn how to […]