THE question to save your relationship.

As it’s Valentine’s Day just around the corner I thought it would be a good opportunity to pause when you are stressed, frustrated, angry or tired and to just STOP and ask yourself: What would love do now ?
Do you argue in front of your kids? Do they see you make up?
I’m speaking on BBC Radio Scotland about how parents’ arguments really affect their children. It is normal for parents to argue, but the way these disagreements affect children varies greatly. We are discussing what parents and carers can do to limit the harm caused by their rows because what happens at home really does affect children’s […]
Where you argue and what it says about your relationship
Today I’m delighted to have Andrew G Marshall an author and marital therapist as my guest blogger. Andrew G. Marshall is a marital therapist with almost thirty years experience. He trained with RELATE the UK’s leading couple-counselling charity, but has developed his own method which blends psycho-dynamic (which looks at your past and how it […]
Quick Tips
Quick Tip If children feel ignored, they need to be taught that there are positive ways to ask for attention ~ that fighting with a sibling is not the way to be noticed. Click here to buy my Parenting Made Easy Book