Kids and Teenagers With ADHD and the Christmas Holidays. Jingle Bells or Jingle Hell?
I found an interesting article on Health Central about Teenagers finding the change in routine very stressful around the Christmas holiday time. Here are some tips to help you get through the holiday period when you have a teenager with ADHD: Plan out their holiday homework. Once your child reaches secondary school, teachers often assign […]
7 Great Additional Needs Toys For Christmas
This year I’ve made a lovely new friend in Georgina Durrant ( listen to our fabulous interview on my parenting podcast )who writes a wonderful blog for parents of children with Special Needs called The SEN Resources Blog It’s BURSTING with advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books and resources for children with SEN. Do head over […]
Scouts Waiting List Tops 100,000 as parents try to help lockdown children develop self-esteem. Here are some very practical tips to nurture your children’s self esteem.
An increasing number of parents are keen for their children to join Scouts CREDIT: Scouts/SWNS I was speaking with Ben Kentish on LBC Radio about the enormous demand for Scout membership as it has skyrocketed, with the organisation urging more volunteers to sign up to become Scout leaders. The waiting list for the Scout Association has […]