Books To Support Children Through Grief

These books are wonderful resources to help children understand and cope with grief in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. 📚💔 #ChildGriefSupport

Also check out the wonderful books about grief, change & loss in #TheSueAtkinsBookClub

📚 “The Invisible String” by Patrice Karst is a heartwarming book that helps children understand that the bonds of love can never be broken, even when a loved one is gone. #GriefBooksForKids

📖 “I Miss You: A First Look at Death” by Pat Thomas is a gentle and honest book that helps children navigate the complex emotions of losing someone they love. #ChildrensGriefBooks

📕 “The Memory Box: A Book About Grief” by Joanna Rowland is a touching story about a little girl who creates a memory box to remember and honor her late father. #KidsGriefBooks

📗 “Samantha Jane’s Missing Smile” by Julie Kaplow is a beautifully illustrated book that explores the feelings of a young girl dealing with the loss of her father and the process of healing. #ChildrensGrief

📘 “Tear Soup” by Pat Schwiebert is a comforting tale about a woman making “tear soup” to cope with her own grief, offering a metaphor for children to understand the grieving process. #GriefSupportForKids

📚 “The Goodbye Book” by Todd Parr is a compassionate and colorful book that helps children understand the feelings of saying goodbye, whether to a person, pet, or even a favorite toy. #ChildrensBooksOnGrief

📖 “The Saddest Time” by Norma Simon provides an understanding of the grieving process and how to support children during difficult times. #ChildrensGriefResources

📕 “The Fall of Freddie the Leaf” by Leo Buscaglia is a classic story that explains life and death through the journey of a leaf, making it easier for children to grasp the concept of loss. #ChildrensBooksAboutLoss

📗 “Ida, Always” by Caron Levis is a touching story about two polar bears, Gus and Ida, dealing with the loss of a friend, highlighting the importance of remembering and cherishing memories. #ChildrensGriefStories

📘 “The Heart and the Bottle” by Oliver Jeffers explores the idea of locking away one’s feelings after a loss and the journey to open one’s heart again. #ChildrensGriefJourney



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