The Role of Parents in Shaping Digital Habits:
As parents you are the first and most influential role models in your children’s lives. In a digital age, this role extends beyond traditional behaviours to include online activity. Children observe and often mimic how their parents use technology, from the way they communicate on social media to how much time they spend on their devices. By modelling balanced and responsible digital habits, you set a standard for your children to follow.
Here are some reflective questions you can ask yourself:
Am I aware of how much time I spend on my phone each day?
How does my smartphone use impact my mental health and well-being?
Do I often feel anxious or stressed when I’m not connected to my phone?
How does my phone usage affect my relationships with family and friends?
Am I able to disconnect from my phone without feeling uneasy?
Have I noticed any changes in my mood or behaviour after spending a lot of time on social media?
Am I using my phone as a way to avoid dealing with difficult emotions or situations?
Do I prioritise real-life experiences over digital interactions?
How often do I consume content that might be harmful or inappropriate?
What steps can I take to ensure a healthier relationship with my smartphone?
Am I modeling healthy phone usage for my children or those around me?
Do I set boundaries for myself when it comes to using my phone, especially before bed or during important activities?
How often do I find myself mindlessly scrolling through my phone without a specific purpose?
Do I rely on my phone to alleviate boredom, and is that habit serving me well?
What would my life look like if I reduced my phone usage significantly?