The Dance of Intimacy – Keeping The Glow With Your Partner
This week will be all about Valentine’s Day and can be a time of great romance or great pain. Many people put their children first and of course while this is necessary and honourable is it at the expense of your own relationship? I remember a great friend of my Mum and Dad’s Nuala […]
Grow Old With Me The Best is Yet to Come
Keeping the Glow with your Partner. Just relax and breathe deeply and slowly for a few moments and think about the most romantic, passionate, sensual and loving moments in your life. What were you doing….. seeing…… hearing and feeling in those magic moments? What would you be willing to do, or give up doing, to […]
Are You Missing One of These for A Successful Relationship?
Keeping the Glow with your Partner. Although most of us desire a healthy relationship it’s surprising how many of us don’t really understand what makes love survive long term. Most of us are bombarded with images of love and sex in magazines, TV adverts, and on the radio but often they idealise, romanticise or trivialise […]
Keeping the Glow with your Partner – Permission to Criticise – Don’t hold back !
Keeping the Glow with your Partner This article gives you complete permission to let it all out – all the frustrations, resentments, anger, disappointments, annoyances and pain you feel for your partner at times. Don’t hold back – give it 110% of your energy – this is a no holds barred worksheet! This may feel […]
Keeping The Glow With Your Partner – Try Something New !
One reason why relationships get stale, go off the boil and become boring is that couples get stuck in a rut of routine and having children often takes away from the spontaneity that keeps love alive, fresh and expanding and growing. Doing the same things over and over again becomes uninteresting, tedious and sometimes depressing […]
Keeping The Glow – After Having Kids. The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story
In keeping with this week’s theme on romance and relationships, here’s today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting pencil. The pioneering biologist Bruce Lipton found that the cells in your body are always in one or two modes: protection or growth. Basically, in fear–mode or in love-mode. Whenever we feel threatened or […]