How to help your kids navigate fake news and misinformation online. Some simple tips.

Being able to identify the trustworthiness of information is an important concern for everyone. Yet the sheer volume of material online and the speed at which it travels has made this an increasingly challenging task. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & TikTok provide a loudspeaker to anyone who can attract followers, no matter what their […]

It’s the Summer Hols – SO…….. How much screen time is OK for your kids?

When does screentime become unhealthy – what are the guidelines and how can you ‘Talk & Teach’ your kids to find that balance between enjoying their iPad and playing outside?  Many parents believe that technology and gadgets are essential for their child’s development, but it can quickly and easily get out of hand can’t it? How do […]

Tips To Help You Raise Gender-Aware Children.

Raising gender-aware kids involves fostering their understanding and respect for gender diversity, challenging traditional gender stereotypes, and promoting equality and inclusivity. Here are some tips to help you raise gender-aware children: Start early: Begin conversations about gender with your children from a young age. Teach them that gender is not limited to binary categories but […]

Saying “NO” to your kids with confidence !

  Saying “No” to your kids is such a simple word but so many parents find it difficult to incorporate it into their discipline strategies – it’s about feeling confident in your own ability as a parent so then the ability to say “no” becomes a powerful behaviour shaping tool in your parenting toolkit! Parents […]