Gavin Williamson says children have become undisciplined & unruly due to lockdowns & homeschooling – really?
What ALL of them???
I was interviewed last night in BBC Radio London about Gavin Williamson remarks about banning mobile phones in schools and his suggestion that a whole generation of children have lacked “discipline and order” during lockdown as I am a former Deputy Headteacher as well as a Parenting Author & Broadcaster
What nonsense this man speaks & what a disservice to exhausted Mums & Dads who have been juggling home schooling, working from home, worries about money, anxiety about elderly relatives & surviving a pandemic.
Of course, children’s experiences will be different and some children will have had a traumatic time without emotional support or guidance but to paint every child with the same brush is sensationalist & totally unhelpful.
It disregards parents, teachers, students & pupils who have come through an incredibly difficult & turbulent time.
The government need to invest in supporting the wellbeing & mental health of children & provide counsellors into every school as behavioural issues stem from a much wider issue than just cheaply blaming the kids.
Mr Williamson threw his weight behind a mobile phone ban at schools – saying they distracted from “exercise and good old-fashioned play” and could lead to cyber-bullying.
Recovery from the last year will take time, in some cases, a great deal of time. Recovering from a traumatic event can take up to 18 months to 2 years to process & whilst we all know mobile phones are a HUGE distraction in schools finding balance is what is always the better path.
It just annoyed me that a man who led such a FIASCO in last years exam results should so easily look for someone to blame instead of encouraging, nurturing, praising & supporting children after what they’ve all gone through
As Education Secretary Gavin Williamson writes that children have become undisciplined & unruly due to lockdowns & homeschooling, I prefer this tribute instead that I read from Dr. Nisreen Allan on Twitter.
‘I’m saying a big thank you to all the children who’ve been totally amazing during this pandemic, including my kids. How lucky are we to witness the wisdom, empathy, understanding, open-mindedness & resilience of the next generation? They give us hope &we must never let them down.’
The National Education Union (NEU), the group that represents teachers and schools, told Newsround that teachers do understand the importance of reminding children about good behaviour.
But they believe the links between mental health and a high-pressure curriculum are the biggest factors when it comes to behaviour, and that the government should address these issues first.
Education unions and teachers have hit back at the education secretary’s calls for a behaviour crackdown and a ban on mobile phones in schools, calling it “the least useful approach the education secretary can take”.
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