The 7 Daily Questions To Ask Yourself During Lock Down.

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Many of us find ourselves in quarantine in our homes coping with enormous uncertainty.

There was an interesting article I read from Brooke Anderson in the ‘Greater Good Magazine’ who wrote about 6 daily questions to ask ourselves each day to help us cope with the sudden departure from our usual routines and lifestyle.

I added one more as I find it helps me to shift my mindset into a bigger picture.

I hope you find them helpful.

The 7 Daily Questions

1. What am I grateful for today?

2. Who am I checking in on, or connecting with, today?

3. What expectations of “normal” am I letting go of today?

4. How am I getting outside today?

5. How am I moving my body today?

6. What beauty am I creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?

7. How am I nurturing my soul today?

Beauty is a powerful antidote to despair.

‘Becoming creators, not just consumers, of culture gives us agency and power. Grace Lee Boggs, the late philosopher and social activist, taught us that “a revolution that is based on people exercising creativity in the midst of devastation is one of the great historical contributions of mankind.”

So, let’s write about our lives, draw our dreams, sing our sorrows, plant gardens, cook for our neighbours, build rainwater harvesting systems and compost toilets, repair our clothes, and create culture to survive the hard times wherever and however we can.’ Brooke Anderson

Amongst the fear, trepidation and anxiety let’s look for the good things to come out of this time of reflection.

Let us use it to reset our ‘Pause’ Button on our past lives and let us look for rainbows.


‘When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars’ ? Oscar Wilde.


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