What’s the message in this story about your intimate relationship with your partner?
The pioneering biologist Bruce Lipton found that the cells in your body are always in one or two modes: protection or growth. Basically, in fear–mode or in love-mode. Whenever we feel threatened or judged we immediately go into fear –mode and close down, defend and shut ourselves off. Whenever we feel safe, we reach out, […]
There’s no ‘Quick Fix’ for bullying, low self esteem, drug abuse and knife and gun violence.
“Many streets in urban Britain are thick with warm flowers and cold blood” ~ Mary Riddell from “The Daily Telegraph” Research suggests that infants in loveless, violent and abusive homes will have had their emotions hard-wired and damaged by the time they are only 18 months old. George Hosking, a clinical criminologist whose charity, the […]
Divorce From Your Child’s Perspective. Things To Think About.
Most parents don’t know the options that are available to divorcing couples rather than the aggressive ‘Going to Court’ option. Most solicitors in fact don’t favour taking your case to Court as it is expensive and can be very damaging to everyone in the family, particularly your children. Mediation is a good option – […]
Divorce isn’t about winners and losers. It’s about working out a way to handle the separation with dignity and compassion and minimising the disruption to your children. Here Are My Top 10 Tips.
Whoever you are, no matter how famous or wealthy or whatever age you are, getting divorced is a major life change. It is stressful, challenging and painful. Here is an article I have written to help. Please share it on Twitter or Facebook or forward to a friend who might find it helpful. It’s also National […]
Is your child’s sulking, whining, hyperactivity, temper tantrums and becoming easily frustrated linked to YOUR technology use?
Is ‘Technoference’ affecting your parenting? Are you always checking your phone? Do you find it hard to turn it off? Do you check your phone at the dinner table or in restaurants? Are you on your phone at the school gates, trains, coffee shops ? So, the BIG QUESTION IS…. Is your child’s sulking, whining, […]
‘How Much Will My Divorce Cost?’ Everything You Need To Know.
Finances – This is the first video concerning the finances of a divorce. What’s it going to cost and what do you need to think about as you go through the divorce process. I’ve recently launched a new series of free Divorce videos called -> Divorce Step by Step. Divorce Step By Step has […]
Don’t Stew – Ask Sue: ‘My wife and I are getting divorced and I’m moving out. What’s the best way to talk to our children, aged 10 and eight, about what’s happening and the future?’
“My wife and I are getting divorced and I’m moving out. What’s the best way to talk to our children, aged 10 and eight, about what’s happening and the future?” This is an important time in everyone’s life as everything is about to change and your children need you to have clarity, direction and confidence […]
Here’s A Quick & Simple Way To REALLY Listen To Your Children During Divorce.
Communicating with children of any age is a key parenting skill, as it helps build your child’s self-esteem and confidence and learning to really listen to your child as you go through your divorce is crucial. Just as talking to your children is vital, no less important is the art of listening to them when […]
Is Yelling at Your Children Verbal Abuse?
I was asked to contribute to the new Jeremy Vine TV Show on Channel 5 about whether yelling or shouting at children is verbal abuse. We all lose the plot at times & lose our temper & end up shouting at our kids, but what is the difference between the odd shout & consistent verbal […]
Divorce can seriously damage your health. Here’s ways to cope.
You won’t be surprised to learn that many studies have shown, that divorce can dramatically reduce a woman’s self-esteem, their confidence and their mental wellbeing as naturally, divorcing women are undergoing very high levels of strain and stress during this time. This study carried out by Bharti Sharma and published in ‘Journal of the Indian […]
Is it a good idea to announce your divorce on social media?
Is it a good idea to announce your divorce on social media? Whether your surfing Instagram, hovering over Face Book or agonising over your chosen hashtag on Twitter, social media is here to stay, but is it a good idea to announce your impending divorce on all these platforms? I work with many parents […]
Fail safe ways to help children feel nurtured, supported and heard through divorce, separation and break up.
Helping children feel nurtured, supported and heard through divorce, separation and break up. Divorce is stressful for parents and children alike and although reactions will depend on a child’s age, temperament, and the circumstances surrounding the split, many children feel sad, frustrated, angry, and anxious — and it’s not uncommon for them to become naughty […]
What’s best a ‘Clean Break’ Agreement or ‘Regular Maintenance’ after your divorce?
I was asked to comment on BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex about a divorced man who has been told by the Court of Appeal to give his ex-wife more money after she spent all the lump sum she was awarded. Maria Mills, 51, received a £230,000 payout in 2002 but was in debt after “unwise” investments, […]
Do you try harder in your relationship because your parents split up?
Younger couples who come from broken homes have led a backlash against divorce, a report claimed yesterday. Lawyers said declining divorce rates over the past 20 years are the result of the bitter experiences of children whose parents parted when divorce was at its peak in the 1980s and early 1990s. Now married and possibly […]
Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s 8 Simple Steps To Decision Making During Divorce.
Here is the way I help my clients going through a divorce to make better, empowering decisions. This simple process helps to lessen the feeling of overwhelm during this stressful life changing event where you have to make so many important decisions all at the same time. Grab a cup of coffee and a paper […]