Sooooo excited my daughter turns 18 today

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I am so proud of my beautiful, intelligent, funny, creative, kind, resilient daughter who turns 18 today. She has had a very tough couple of years – she went to a Sixth Form College that she found very challenging for a year until I managed to get her into a really lovely College in Brighton which she now enjoys and is happy to travel to, which is  a long way to travel by train every morning, but she never complains and is learning to drive so she can get there by herself.

She discovered on July 2nd this year that her Dad had been having an affair with a 35 year old, Romanian woman he met through his work and  she watched our family dynamic change very dramatically – going from a four to a two as my son left for University recently but she is resilient, mature, funny and wise beyond her years and  we now enjoy watching “chick flicks” while eating sweets and ice cream – no longer trapped into watching hours of football or golf. We dance around to Rhianna and laugh a lot.

She sees the funny side to life and has wonderful friends and she balances socialising with her College work and I just couldn’t be any prouder of her.

She is beautiful on the inside,as well as on the outside, and I know she will be very successful in life as she has the mindset, attitude and kindness to make her mark on the world whatever she decides she wants her life to stand for.

So I have had great fun planning a special day for her.

She is going to have a her beautiful hair cut at Toni & Guys in the morning into a young woman’s style ( BIG MOMENT !) then lunch at The Kensington Roof Gardens followed by shopping, then cupcakes at Hummingbirds in Kensington and then off to The Hard Rock Cafe with her Dad.

I hope we will create a day full of wonderful memories – she deserves them and I am just so proud that she is my daughter.

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