Children who see parents drink “more likely” to binge drink themselves

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I was interviewed by LBC Radio again today about the latest survey by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation about underage drinking.

 Here is the article in The Guardian

For me it’s all about how you pass on your values, experiences and attitudes to everything and drinking is no exception.

It’s about realising that kids are watching you all the time whether you are aware of it, like it or even notice it.

So how you handle drinking, alcohol and booze is no exception.

My kids have grown up seeing us drink wine, drinking beer watching the football and have seen their Grandma enjoying her glass of red wine around the kitchen table. They’ve seen me at parties, had parties of their own and have grown up  with me talking and teaching them about how to strike a balance.

They will make mistakes of course but I hope I have taught them how to learn from them while finding their way through the tricky teenage years. My kids were not alllowed alcho pops at my BBQ’s even if their friends parents allowed them – I know the dangers of underage drinking and i’m here to be their parent – not their friend.

 As you know my job is not to tell you what you do – my job is to ask you better questions to help you find your own answers.

 So just for this week  imagine you have a camcorder on your shoulder that is following you around and notice what it sees around drinking, alcohol and the message that you are sending to your kids.


It’s not about beating yourself up if you don’t like what you discover – but about making a small change that will take you in a different direction if you don’t like what you find out.






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