Mobiles are commonplace in secondary schools, but can they be used for teaching?
Find out on the Guardian Teacher Network this week.
If there’s one thing you’ll find in the pocket or bag of every young person in secondary school, it’s some kind of mobile device.
From the smartphone to the iPad to the Nintendo 3Ds, the range of mobile devices is growing. The education secretary, Michael Gove, wants to ban mobiles from school. But while some see them just as entertainment, many teachers and educators know that they can be used in exciting ways in class.
On the Guardian Teacher Network, Doug Belshaw, a researcher at Northumbria University, a former history teacher and one of the driving forces behind the viral backlash to the education secretary’s comments, “govephonehome”, has prepared a guide to how mobile devices can be used for learning.
What about asking students to record their ideas to play back later? Or the application that features all the works of Shakespeare and other classics that students can use for reading along in class?
To see the full guide go to the Guardian Teacher Network.
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