I am really excited as I am getting my new Parenting Made Easy – The Secrets To Well-Behaved Kids app finished ready to launch in 2 weeks for i-phones and i-pads.
This is a really FAB way to get my advice, tips, ideas and inspiration ON THE GO – all for the amazingly low price of only £2.99 so you can feel back in the driving seat of your parenting in the park, playgroup or at the supermarket check out !
If you’d like to pre –order it simply email me at [email protected] and I will guarantee you are one of the 1st to have your very own Parenting Made Easy – Secrets To Well Behaved Kids app right there at your fingertips.
So send an email now to avoid disappointment to [email protected] and tell all your friends about this brand new, exciting way to be the best parent you can be for your kids.
One of the really unique and special sections will be “Ask The Parenting Expert” where I will answer one question a week on the app sent in to me via email at Sue@TheSueAtkins.com
If you would like to be the first person to ask me a question on the app email me on [email protected] and I’ll be delighted to answer.
Here’s a sample of the questions I have been sent already.
My toddler has learnt how to play my husband and myself against each other in order to get what she wants. Our relationship is suffering as a result. Help!
Lucy from Harrow
My 5 year old son has started to tell little lies is this normal?
Harriet from Toronto
Why does my 2 year old find it difficult to share toys?
Nic from Balham
I’ve two children 7 and 4. I want to start giving them pocket money so they realise the value of money and saving, how should I best go about it?”
Pete from Salisbury
My 15 year old daughter is being cyber bullied. What can I do to help?
Sara from New York