A – Z of teen text slang , do you know any of them?
Here is an excellent article from Sue Scheff who is an Author and Parent Advocate. She founded Parents’ Universal Resource Experts in 2001. P.U.R.E. is an organization that helps parents with struggling teens. Learn more at www.suescheff.com and email Sue at [email protected] Learning the teen language is only the beginning of parenting teenagers today. Do you […]
Looong Summer Hols……
I’ve been asked by BBC Radio Wales this week to comment on some ideas to make the looooong summer holidays more fun and enjoyable and it got me pondering about the language we use to describe the summer hols. If you think it will be looooong, full of whining about “being bored” and stressful …… […]
Stranger Danger 21st Century Style – Keeping Your Safe.
The days of not talking to strangers and not accepting sweets from them have long gone, as your child can make friends with people from around the global community in an instant. But how do you know who they are talking to and how do you monitor and keep a watchful eye on their activity? […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story To Ponder !
Here’s today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would […]