This week is Anti Bullying Week so with this in mind I want you to ponder new and simple ways to increase your child’s self esteem.
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
~ Helen Keller
As you know I work with many parents who love their children and are doing their very best with the resources they currently have.
It’s not helpful to point a finger of blame at parents but perhaps time to offer an open hand to help them make learning new skills, strategies and techniques less taboo. Kids don’t come with a handbook and it’s about making some small changes that over time make a big difference.
For me it’s about asking ourselves better, more empowering questions.
Points to Ponder and Questions to Ask:
- How can I nurture, cherish and love my children so they feel this love?
- Are my children my top priority?
- If they are not how can I make them top priority?
- What small changes can I make this week to do that immediately?
- Am I creating the kind of family I am proud of?
- How can I listen to my kids more, teach them, guide them and set them firm, fair and consistent boundaries?
- What exactly are my rules, boundaries and values?
- How can I be their parent, not their friend, and show them tough love by passing on my values and rules with firm kindness and confidence?
- How can I build their self esteem and praise them more?
- Is this action or remark bringing me closer to or further away from my child long term?
- What’s really important to me?
- How can I improve the way I listen to my kids, play with them, talk to them, show them respect?
- How can I be kinder to them?
- What makes a great parent – write down all the things a great parent does, says and makes their children feel?
- How can I improve my parenting? Who can I ask for ideas and support and where can I learn?
- How can I get more balance into my life?
- How can I feel more confident in my parenting?
- What if I asked myself more: “What would love do now”
During this Anti – Bullying Week we can look at ourselves and make some small changes that won’t overwhelm us but may make us better parents nurturing stronger, more confident children.
It’s all about fine tuning our parenting whoever we are and whatever our circumstances or background and asking ourselves better questions to help us all raise happy, confident , well balanced children – today’s children but tomorrow’s future.
Changes happen quickly but habits take a little longer so forgive yourself if you make the odd mistake and just make today a better day. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Pass It Forward Month! So if you have found this blog helpful and thought provoking please pass it forward to your friends, colleagues, schools and nurseries……. because as they say ….“Alone we can do so little together we can do so much”
Download your copy of Sue’s Ebook
How to give your kids the gift of self-esteem by clicking here
About the author
Sue Atkins is a Parenting Expert who offers practical guidance for bringing up happy, confident, well behaved children. She is also the author of “Raising Happy Children for Dummies” one in the famous black and yellow series published worldwide and the highly acclaimed Parenting Made Easy CDs. She regularly appears on BBC Breakfast and The Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 and her parenting articles are published all over the world.
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Sue Atkins the Parenting Expert
T: + 44 1342 833355 M: 07740 622769
Gatehouse Farm
The Farmhouse
New Chapel
Surrey RH7 6LF