It’s the Holidays: Things to do OFF Screen!

I’ve been asked by BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester this week to comment on some ideas to make the half term more fun and enjoyable and it got me pondering about the language we use to describe holiday time. If you think it will be looooong, full of whining about “being bored” and stressful […]
Making The Most Of The Kids Holidays

The school holidays are upon us and I hope you’ve had your Butlin’s Red Coat dry cleaned and aired for the next few weeks of entertainment!The school break is a time for relaxation, recovery and re -cooperating energy but it can also feel like a burden of responsibility and an expensive nightmare if you […]
It’s the Summer Hols – SO…….. How much screen time is OK for your kids?
When does screentime become unhealthy – what are the guidelines and how can you ‘Talk & Teach’ your kids to find that balance between enjoying their iPad and playing outside? Many parents believe that technology and gadgets are essential for their child’s development, but it can quickly and easily get out of hand can’t it? How do […]
‘There’s Nothing to Do!’
It’s the Summer hols and unless you are happy to dust off and dry clean your Butlin’s Red Coat ready to entertain the kids full time here are some simple ideas from Huffington Post Parents blog 🙂 Now that it’s summer, my 9-year-old son is constantly complaining that he’s bored. He will start camp soon, […]
Are You Dreading The Summer Holidays ?
I’m speaking on BBC Radio about the cost of keeping your kids busy, occupied, productive and entertained through the long Summer Holidays. I always remind the families that I work with that the Summer is a wonderful time to build memories with your children that will last a lifetime. I have some wonderful memories […]
50 things to do before you’re 11¾. Hiding in trees, rolling down hills and having fun with your kids this Summer.
What’s 50 things all about? There’s nothing quite like fresh air, exercise and family time. You can’t beat the fun you have in the Great Outdoors and creating memories that will last a lifetime. But sometimes convincing your kids to get outside can be a bit of a struggle. That’s why The National Trust […]
10 Tips for Keeping a Toddler Busy & Happy on a Plane.
We were on hols in South Africa and the little girl behind me could have done with some of these tips…….. ! I had to bite my tongue a few times on the long 12 hour flight !! So, you’ve packed the bags, cancelled the papers and are really looking forward to being away for a […]
How To Avoid Summer Slippage ! With all this pressure on kids these days to ‘achieve’ I’m often asked by worried parents, as a former Deputy Head, how to prevent their kids learning from slipping back during the Summer Holidays. Some children go to Summer Activity Camps while others stay home and play. Some kids travel, some visit relatives, some […]
I have just discovered Pinterest ! It is absolutely fantastic and very addictive ! Check out my page here But I also came across a lovely post of 75 wonderfully simple activities to do with your kids over the holidays or over a lifetime which range from Glow sticks in the bathtub. (I had […]
Looong Summer Hols……
I’ve been asked by BBC Radio Wales this week to comment on some ideas to make the looooong summer holidays more fun and enjoyable and it got me pondering about the language we use to describe the summer hols. If you think it will be looooong, full of whining about “being bored” and stressful …… […]