Parenting Hacks | Road Safety: Part 2 ? | Disney Junior UK with Sue Atkins and Helen Skelton
What are the main lessons you should be teaching your little one when it comes to road safety? Have you ever stopped to think about what a road looks like from a three-year-old’s point of view? Here TV star, and mum to two boys, Helen Skelton, talks to talks to parenting expert Sue Atkins, road […]
Daddy why don’t you wear your seat belt?
This is a powerful reason to remember to pop on your seatbelt !
Thinking about children’s road safety.
How can you start helping your child begin to understand the basic principles of road safety? Take a look at ways you can teach your children road safety, and help them to learn the Green Cross Code on the website Why Road Safety Matters Explore the advice on the award-winning film, Street Safety with Teigan, which […]