The rise of ‘Motherism’ – prejudice against stay-at-home mums.
I read with interest today about the rise in “Motherism” as new term to describe prejudice against stay at home mums! Stay-at-home mothers are increasingly facing a damaging but unspoken prejudice that assumes they are stupid, lazy and unattractive, a leading child development expert has warned. Dr Aric Sigman, a biologist and psychologist, said that what he […]
Primary school kids in England could be ranked nationally at 11 – is that really a good idea?
There is a four-letter word that seems to dominate primary school policy these days. Data. And there is going to be even more of it if the latest proposals for measuring pupil performance in England are implemented. Parents could be told where their children fit into 10 ability bands, measured against a yardstick of the […]
Stay at home mum attacks Nick Clegg on radio phone in – what are your thoughts?
Nick Clegg has been attacked on live radio by a full-time mother who was angry at the government’s childcare reforms. What do you think of the reforms – do you feel penalised because you have chosen to stay at home and give your children your time, committment and attention? The Deputy Prime Minister was […]